Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) & World Bank (WB)
- Consultant for The World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank to conduct research on the “Participation of the State in the Arbitration of Public Procurement” (2011).
Ministry of Foreign Trade (MINCETUR)
- Consultant for the Ministry of Foreign Trade (MINCETUR) on “Settlement of disputes, national and international arbitration related to the Free Trade Agreement with The United States” (2005).
- Consultant for The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Superior Council of Public Procurement (CONSUCODE) for the project Transparency in Public Procurement, on the chapter on Settlement of Disputes in the Contractual Execution of the "Manual of Public Procurement" (2005).
- Consultant for The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Superior Council of Public Procurement (CONSUCODE) for the project Transparency in Public Procurement for the update of the report on "Resolution of disputes through Arbitration and Conciliation" (2005).
- Consultant for The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Superior Council of Public Procurement (CONSUCODE) for the project Transparency in Public Procurement on the topic of "Resolution of disputes through Arbitration and Conciliation" (2003).