Congresses, conferences and courses
- 2019
- 2018 - 2017
- 2016 - 2015
- 2014 - 2013
- 2012 - 2011
- 2011 - 2010
- 2010 - 2009
- 2008 - 2007
- 2006 - 2005
- 2004 - 2003
- Speaker at the “Summer Session – Arbitration 360º” organized by Arbitration 360º and AmCham Peru (March 2019). Topic: “Prague Rules v IBA Rules”.
- Speaker at the Working Breakfast: "Generation X: Diversity, technology and transparency in International Arbitration" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (January 2019).
- Participant in the 22nd Annual IBA International Arbitration Day 2019 held in Montreal (March 2019).
- • Participant in the ICC Conference “Too fast, too slow or just right? Duration, timing and timeliness in ICC arbitration” organized by the ICC International Court of Arbitration (March, 2019).
2018 - 2017
- Panelist at the “Seminar on International Arbitration in PPP Projects in Peru” organized by the DLA Piper Pizarro, Botto & Escobar Abogados (December 2018). Panel: “ICC as alternate arbitral institution for PPP and commercial arbitrations”.
- Speaker at the VII International Arbitration Symposium organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (November 2018). Panel: “Current tendencies in international commercial arbitration”. Topic: "Parallel proceedings in international arbitrations".
- Lecturer at the "III Course on Public Procurement Arbitration” organized by the Derecho & Sociedad Law Review (October 2018). Topic: “Institutional Arbitration in Public Procurement Arbitration”.
- Panelist at the "III International Seminar on Arbitration" organized by the Piura Chamber of Commerce and Production (October 2018). Topic: “Relationship between arbitral system and judicial system: Interference or collaboration?”.
- Panelist of the 2nd ICC Peruvian Arbitration Day organized by the ICC International Court of Arbitration and ICC Peru (October 2018). Panel: “Points of interaction between arbitration and criminal law” and “Mock case: Deliberation of the arbitral tribunal”.
- Lecturer at the "Certified Diploma Course of National and International Arbitration" organized by the Graduate School of the Universidad del Pacífico and AmCham Peru (October - November 2018). Topics: "Arbitration agreement and non-signatory parties" and "Multi-tier and pathological clauses".
- Panelist in the “Conference ICC YAF & Young ITA: Technology and the future of international arbitration” held in Lima (August, 2018). Concluding Remarks.
- Panelist in the International Seminar: “Lights and shadows of Arbitration: 10 years of the Peruvian Arbitration Law” organized by Arbitrator Intelligence, the Lima Chamber of Commerce and Bullard, Falla & Ezcurra Abogados (August 2018). Panel: Is it necessary to reform the Peruvian Arbitration Law? Topic: “Apocalyse now: Public Procurement Arbitration in Peru“.
- Professor of the "Training course for judicial officer of the anti-corruption system – Judicial System" organized by Graduate School of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (July-August 2018). Section: Arbitration. Topic: “Public Procurement Arbitration”.
- Lecturer at the "Specialization Program on Commercial Arbitration" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (July 2018). Topic: "The extension of the arbitration agreement to non-signatory parties and the Competence-Competence".
- Speaker at the “Seminar on Problems and challenges in Arbitration: Corruption and Money Laundering" organized by the Santo Domingo Chamber of Commerce and Production held in Santo Domingo (June 2018).
- Speaker in the 54th Conference of the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA) held in Santo Domingo (May-June 2018). Panel of the Committee of Arbitration Law. Topic: "Confidentiality and transparency in International Arbitration: new winds".
- Speaker in the X Latin American Conference of Arbitration (CLA) organized by the CEDEP held in Cusco (May-June 2018). Topic: "Arbitration and Standard form contract".
- Participant in the ICC Conference “Protecting the integrity of the arbitration” organized by the ICC International Court of Arbitration & ICC Peru held in Cusco (May, 2018).
- Lecturer at the Seminar “Arbitration in Peru: Current situation and future challenges” organized by the Derecho & Sociedad Law Review (May 2018). Panel: “Where are we and where are we going?”.
- • Participant in the “Conference on Determination and valuation of damages in International Arbitration” organized by the ICC YAF (October, 2018).
- Participant at the Working Breakfast: "Hot topic: Production of documents in International Arbitration" organized by the Lima Very Young Practitioner Arbitration (LVYPA) and AmCham Peru (October 2018).
- Participant in the 15° Meeting of the Latin American Group of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) held in Quito (August 2018).
- Participant in the “Conference on Damages in the International Arbitration” organized by the ICC Peru & ICC YAF (March, 2018).
- Speaker at the "360º Arbitration Seminar" organized by the Forseti Law Review (December 2017). Topic: “Pathological arbitration clause”.
- Speaker of the Seminar “Legal challenges in the Pacific Alliance” organized by the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA) and the Universidad de Medellín held in Medellín (October 2017). Panel: “International arbitration in the countries of the Pacific Alliance”.
- Lecturer at the "II Course on Public Procurement and Private Public Partnership” organized by the Derecho & Sociedad Law Review (October 2017). Topic: “Consequences of corruption in the contract and the arbitration”.
- Member of Arbitral Tribunal of the “International Seminar on Arbitration: Arbitral Ring” organized by Ius et veritas Law Review and Bullard, Falla & Ezcurra Abogados (September 2017).
- Speaker of the ICC Ecuadorian Arbitration Day organized by the ICC International Court of Arbitration and ICC Ecuador (September 2017). Panel: “Current topics on annulment and execution of arbitral awards in Ecuador and Comparative law”. Topic: Waiver of the annulment of arbitral award.
- Panelist of the ICC Peruvian Arbitration Day organized by the ICC International Court of Arbitration and ICC Peru (September 2017). Panel: “Annulment and scrutiny of arbitral awards”.
- Professor of the "Training course for judicial officer of the anti-corruption system – Judicial System" organized by Graduate School of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (August 2017). Section: Arbitration. Topic: “Ethic and Arbitration”.
- Speaker at the II Workshop of New Arbitration Rules organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (August 2017). Topic: “Prima facie control by institution: Multi-Party and Multi-Contract arbitrations issues”.
- Speaker in the LIII Conference of the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA): "New challenges of the legal profession, legal services and the justice" held in Panama city (June 2017). Panel of the Inter-American Academy of International and Comparative Law. Topic: "Investment Arbitration in Latin America: 6 recent cases".
- Speaker in the LIII Conference of the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA): "New challenges of the legal profession, legal services and the justice" held in Panama city (June 2017). Panel of the Committee of International Arbitration Law: New trends in International Arbitration. Topic: "The reasoning of the awards in international arbitration".
- Panelist in the International Seminar: “Dark side of the arbitration: Solutions” organized by the Universidad del Pacífico, Arbitrator Intelligence, the Lima Chamber of Commerce and Bullard, Falla & Ezcurra Abogados (June 2017). Panel: “Arbitrator Intelligence and technology as a weapon against corruption in arbitration“.
- Panelist at the National Congress of Private Law organized by the Peruvian Society of Law (June 2017). Topic: "Protecting ethics in arbitration: time to make some reforms?".
- Moderator at the Lecturer: "Lex Mercatoria, UNIDROIT Principles and International Arbitration" given by Luca Radicati and organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (June 2017).
- Moderator at the “Iberoamerican Lawyers Summit: "Perspectives and new trends in the today’s Law" organized by the Lima Bar Association and the UIBA (May 2017). Topic: “New trends in the commercial and investment international arbitration”.
- Speaker at the Workshop of New Arbitration Rules organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (April 2017). Topic: “New CCL Arbitration Rules: Paperless”
- Speaker at the "X Conference of International Arbitration" organized by AmCham Ecuador & Ecuadorian Arbitration Institute in Quito (March 2017). Topic: "Role of arbitral institution and the duty of good faith".
- Speaker at the “Training Session: Oral and Written Litigation” organized by AmCham Ecuador & Ecuadorian Arbitration Institute in Quito (March 2017). Topic: “The importance of the Arbitration Rules in Arbitration Practice".
- Moderator at the Working Breakfast: "Multi-tier Arbitration Clause and Dispute Boards" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (March 2017).
- Participant in the Sport Arbitration Seminar organized by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and ICC Peru (September, 2017).
- Participant in the ICC Conference on Arbitration: “Renewing international arbitration: New practices of the ICC and handling of the evidence” held in La Habana (August 2017).
- Participant in the 14° Meeting of the Latin American Group of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) held in La Habana (August 2017).
- Participant in the Arbitrator Intelligence Workshop: “¿How do we achieve more transparency and inclusion in the arbitration market?” organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce, Arbitrator Intelligence and Bullard, Falla & Ezcurra Abogados (June 2017).
2016 - 2015
- Speaker at the International Conference on Commercial Arbitration: “Current Trends and Perspectives” organized by the Inter-American Commission of Commercial Arbitration (CIAC) in the framework of the XLIII Assembly AICO-CIAC held in Sevilla (November 2016). Topic: "The extension of the arbitration agreements to multiple parties and multiple contracts in the Peruvian Arbitration Law".
- Speaker at the V International Arbitration Symposium organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the Universidad del Pacífico (October 2016). Topic: "Consolidation of Arbitrations: Types, requirements and problems".
- Speaker at the IV Sport and Commercial Arbitration Conference organized by the National Chamber of Commerce and Services of Paraguay in Asunción (October 2016). Topic: "State Arbitration and institution management".
- Panelist at the X International Arbitration Congress organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (September 2016). Panel: "The Arbitral Secretary of the Arbitration Centers and the management of process".
- Panelist at the Conference: "Ethic v. Corruption in Arbitration" organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, AmCham Peru and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (July 2016). Topic: "Group of arbitrators, repeated arbitrators and faults and the duty of disclosure".
- Panelist at the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum: "Evidence in International Arbitration" organized by the ICC YAF, AmCham Peru, the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (July 2016). Topic: "Experts".
- Speaker in the LII Conference of the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA): "Foreign Investment in the Latin American legal system" held in Miami (June 2016). Panel of the Inter-American Academy of International and Comparative Law: Comparative International Arbitration. Topic: "The impact of UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules on the global arbitration practice".
- Speaker in the LII Conference of the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA): "Foreign Investment in the Latin American legal system" held in Miami (June 2016). Panel of the Committee of Arbitration Law: New trends in International Arbitration. Topic: "Role of the arbitral institutions for the efficient conduct of arbitration".
- Moderator at the Working Breakfast: "Civil Liability of Arbitrators" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (June 2016).
- Moderator at the Lecturer: "Writing of Arbitration Clauses" given by Gary Born and organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (April 2016).
- Speaker at the IV International Congress of Arbitration and Conciliation organized by the Cusco Chamber of Commerce (March 2016). Topic: "Guidelines for the drafting of Arbitral Awards".
- Participant in the 14th Annual Miami Conference. "International Arbitration in Latin America: The ICC Perspective" (November 2016).
- Participant in the Pacific Alliance Business Council held in Puerto Varas in the framework of the XI Presidential Summit of the Pacific Alliance (June 2016).
- Masterclass for Arbitrators chaired by Yves Derains organized by ICC Institute of World of Business and ICC Costa Rica held in San José, Costa Rica (May 2016).
- Participant at the International Conference on Commercial Arbitration organized by the Inter-American Commission of Commercial Arbitration (CIAC) in the framework of the XLV Board of Directors AICO-CIAC held in Buenos Aires (April 2016).
- Participant at the APEC Strengthening Economic and Legal Infrastructure Workshop on Dispute Resolution – The key to efficient settlement of business disputes organized by the Department of Justice of Hong Kong, China in collaboration with the UNCITRAL Secretariat (February 2016).
- Speaker at the Conferences on "Arbitration Judicial Dimension" organized by the Santo Domingo Chamber of Commerce and Production and the National School of the Dominican Republic Judiciary held in Santo Domingo (November 2015). Topic: "Arbitration principles".
- Moderator at the Working Breakfast: "National and international trends in resources for Annulment of Arbitral Awards" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (November 2015).
- Panelist at the "II International Seminar on Arbitration" organized by the Piura Chamber of Commerce and Production (October 2015). Topic: “Recourse against the award and the problem of its enforcement”.
- Speaker at the IV International Arbitration Symposium organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the Universidad del Pacífico (October 2015). Topic: "Rules and institutional practices. New paradigms and developments".
- Lecturer for the “Specialization Diploma course on Commercial and Investment Arbitration” organized by the Universidad Católica San Pablo (September 2015). Topic: "Legal skills in Arbitration".
- Lecturer at the "Specialization Program on Commercial Arbitration" organized by the Inter-American Commission of Commercial Arbitration (CIAC), the Inter-American Academy of International and Comparative Law and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (August - September 2015). Topic: "Organization of arbitral proceedings".
- Moderator at the Working Breakfast: "Good practices to ensure the effectiveness of the arbitral award" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (August 2015).
- Panelist at the Conference: "The death of Arbitration?" by the Sociedad Jurídica Law Review (July 2015).
- Moderator in the LI Conference of the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA): "The Challenges of Legal Practice: Integration, Globalization and Justice" (July 2015). Panel: International Arbitration.
- Panelist at the Peruvian - Mexican Conference of Arbitration: "Rules and practices in the conduct of the Arbitration" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the National Chamber of Commerce of Mexico - CANACO (May 2015). Topic: "Rules and Arbitration Practices: Change of Paradigm".
- Speaker in the VII Latin American Conference of Arbitration (CLA) organized by the CEDEP and the Positivo University in Curitiba (June 2015). Topic: "UNCITRAL Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings. Latest developments".
- Panelist at the International Arbitration Conference "40 years of the Panama Convention. Influence on the development of international commercial arbitration in the Americas” organized by the Inter-American Commission of Commercial Arbitration (CIAC) and the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama held in Panama city (May 2015). Panel: "Application of the Convention of Panama: Main jurisprudence on the Convention of Panama".
- Lecturer at the training workshop "Formality of documents in Public Registers" organized by the National Superintendency of Public Registers - SUNARP (May 2015). Topic: "Formality of documents resulting from arbitral proceedings".
- Speaker at the Seminar on the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA): "International Commercial Arbitration, Investment and Business" organized by the IABA, the Inter-American Academy of International and Comparative Law and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (April 2015). Subject: "Experience of the Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce in the administration of Arbitration".
- Participant in the 13th Annual Miami Conference. "International Arbitration in Latin America: The ICC Perspective" (November 2015).
- Participant in the Advanced Level Training: "Production of Documents" organized by the ICC in Miami (November 2015).
- Participant in the 12° Meeting of the Latin American Group of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) held in Mexico D.F. (August 2015).
2014 - 2013
- Panelist at the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum: "Enforcement of Annulled Arbitral Awards and Interim Measures in Arbitration" by the ICC YAF and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (December 2014). Topic: "Enforcement of Annulled Arbitral Awards ".
- Lecturer for the Certified Diploma Course “Judicial Dimension of Arbitration” organized by the Santo Domingo Chamber of Commerce and Production and the National School of the Dominican Republic Judiciary held in Santo Domingo (November 2014). Topic: "Interim Measures by the National Judge".
- Speaker at the I National Congress on Arbitration: "The arbitral justice: Challenges and possibilities" organized by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and the Lima Bar Association (November 2014).
- Moderator at the Working Breakfast: "Corruption and Arbitration: Areas of Collision" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (October 2014).
- Speaker at the III International Arbitration Symposium organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the Universidad del Pacífico (August 2014). Panel: "Public construction contracts and Arbitration. Tensions and challenges".
- Moderator at the Working Breakfast: “An Ethical Standard for the Representation of Parties in Arbitration: the IBA model” organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (July 2014).
- Lecturer at the "Specialization Program on Commercial Arbitration" organized by the Inter-American Commission of Commercial Arbitration (CIAC) and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (June - July 2014). Topic: "Multi-party and multi-contract Arbitrations".
- Profesor en el “Programa de Especialización en Arbitraje Comercial” organizado por la Comisión Interamericana de Arbitraje Comercial (CIAC) y la Cámara de Comercio de Lima (Junio - Julio 2014). Tema: “Arbitrajes multipartes y multicontratos”.
- Speaker at the Arbitration Conference: "The importance of the arbitral secretary in the institutional arbitration" organized by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (June 2014).
- Speaker at the VI Latin American Conference of Arbitration (CLA) organized by the CEDEP and the Santo Domingo Chamber of Commerce and Production in Punta Cana (May 2014). Topic: "The relationship between national public policy, transnational public policy and arbitrability".
- Speaker at the Colloquium "Arbitration Law” organized by Ius et Praxis Law Review (April 2014). Topic: "The challenges of Arbitration in Peru".
- Moderator at the Working Breakfast: "Confidentiality and Transparency in Arbitration" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (April 2014).
- Panelist at the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum: "Standards of Conduct on International Arbitration: Arbitrators and Parties" organized by the ICC YAF in San José, Costa Rica (February 2014). Topic: "Arbitrators".
- Participant in the 11th Colloquium of the Young Arbitration Practitioners (YAP) held in Miami (April 2014).
- Participant in the 22nd Biennial Congress of ICCA 2014: "Legitimacy: Myths, Realities and Challenges" held in Miami (April 2014).
- Participant at the 5th Congress of International Arbitration organized by ICC Costa Rica in San Jose, Costa Rica (February 2014).
- Moderator at the Working Breakfast: "Illicit and Circumstantial proof in Arbitration" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (December 2013).
- Lecturer for the course “New Perspectives in Arbitration. Positions Found” organized by the Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (December 2013). Topic: "Guidelines of the IBA on Conflicts of Interest".
- Professor of the "Specialization Program for Training of Arbitrators in Public Procurement" organized by the Economic Development Institute of the Universidad ESAN (November 2013). Topic: "Special features of the Public Procurement Arbitration".
- Lecturer at the "Specialization Program on Commercial Arbitration" organized by the Inter-American Commission of Commercial Arbitration (CIAC) and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (November - December 2013). Topic: "Challenge of Arbitrators Workshop".
- Speaker at the Seminar "Arbitrating Investment: Arbitration as a mechanism for the Resolution of Investment Disputes" organized by Themis Law Review (November 2013). Topic: "Inevitability of Arbitration as a Mechanism for the Resolution of Investment Disputes".
- Speaker at the "I International Seminar on Arbitration" organized by the Piura Chamber of Commerce and Production (October 2013). Topic: “Challenge of Arbitrators”.
- Speaker at the International Conference on Commercial Arbitration: “Current Trends and Perspectives” organized by the Inter-American Commission of Commercial Arbitration (CIAC) in the framework of the XL Assembly AICO-CIAC held in Punta Cana (October 2013). Topic: "Complex Arbitration: Issues Concerning the Multiplicity of Parties and Contracts".
- Panelist in the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum by the ICC YAF and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (September 2013). Topic: "Hard law: Mandatory rules and applicable rules of law of the merits".
- Speaker at the II International Arbitration Symposium organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the Universidad del Pacífico (September 2013). Topic: "Assessment of Peruvian Arbitration Law 5 years after its Enforcement".
- Speaker at the V Latin American Conference of Arbitration (CLA) organized by the CEDEP and the Universidad de Buenos Aires in Buenos Aires (June 2013). Topic: "Mandatory Rules on International Arbitration".
- Lecturer for the Certified Diploma Course "Arbitration and Judicial System. Legal and practical issues“ organized by the Santo Domingo Chamber of Commerce and Production and the National School of the Dominican Republic Judiciary held in Santo Domingo (April 2013). Topic: "Judicial Support in Arbitration".
- Speaker at the I International Congress of Arbitration and Conciliation organized by the Cusco Chamber of Commerce (April 2013). Topic: "Critical aspects of Arbitration in Public Procurement".
- Lecturer for the course “Influence of International Arbitration in Domestic Arbitration. A critical perspective” organized by the Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (March 2013). Topic: "Influence of international rules in domestic arbitration - Multiparties".
- Participant in the 11th Annual Miami Conference. "International Arbitration in Latin America: The ICC Perspective" (November 2013).
- Participant in the Advanced Training: "Drafting Enforceable Awards" organized by the ICC in Miami (November 2013).
- Participant in the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum: "Precedents: Benefits, Dangers and Myths" held in Miami organized by the ICC YAF (November 2013).
- Participant in the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum: “”Third Parties” in Arbitration” held in Buenos Aires by the ICC YAF (June 2013).
- Participant in the “Practical workshop on the application of Arbitration Rules of the ICC in 2012: Case Handling Techniques, Emergency Arbitrator and Complex Arbitration” organized by the ICC International Court of Arbitration held in Buenos Aires (June 2013).
- Participant at the HKIAC in the Americas Conference “Risk and advantages of trade with Asia: Resolving disputes effectively organized by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, Universidad del Pacífico, Estudio Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano, Cámara de Comercio Peruano China and the Embassy of the People´s Republic of China (February 2013).
- Participant at the LCIA Symposium on International Arbitration held in Bogotá (February 2013).
- Participant in the 16th Annual IBA International Arbitration Day 2012 held in Bogotá (February 2013).
- Participant at the ALARB Conference "The interplay between domestic and international Arbitration" in Bogotá (February 2013).
- Participant in the LCIA Young Practitioners' Symposium held in Bogotá (February 2013).
2012 - 2011
- Moderator at the Working Breakfast: “Third Parties vs. Non-signatories in Arbitration. The Colombian model and the Peruvian model” organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (November 2012).
- Speaker in the 2nd Central American Conference of Arbitration Centers organized by the El Salvador Chamber of Commerce and Industry held in San Salvador (November 2012). Topic: "International Arbitration Procedures: Civil law or Common Law". Panel: "Interaction of two jurisdictions – Judicial and Arbitral".
- Panelist in the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum by the ICC YAF and the El Salvador Chamber of Commerce and Industry held in San Salvador (November 2012). Panel: "Nullity and Appeal of Arbitral Awards".
- Panelist at the International Forum: “The Consumer Code: 2 years of enforcement. Progress and challenges” organized by the Congress of the Republic of Peru (November 2012). Panel: "Consumer Arbitration as a mechanism that will contribute to strengthening the Consumer Protection System".
- Speaker at the International Colloquium "International Commercial Arbitration and Private International Law: Intimate Enemies?" organized by the Universidad del Pacífico, the Lima Chamber of Commerce, CEDEP, and ASADIP (November 2012). Topic: "International cases between judicial competency and arbitral competency".
- Lecturer at the "Specialization Program on Commercial Arbitration" organized by the Inter-American Commission of Commercial Arbitration (CIAC) and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (November - December 2012). Topic: "Interim Measures in Arbitration".
- Speaker in the "Special Arbitration Seminar: Regulatory Arbitration and Investment Arbitration" organized by the Research Workshop in Administrative Law of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (October 2012). Topic: "Prevention and care of disputes between investors and States".
- Speaker at the Conference "Procedural issues in arbitral proceedings" organized by the Universidad de Buenos Aires, the Universidad del Rosario and the American University in Washington D.C. (September 2012).
- Speaker at the "Effectiveness of Arbitration" Seminar organized by the ICC YAF, the Mexican Bar Association and ICDR Young & International in Mexico D.F. (September 2012). Topic: "Interim Measures in Arbitration".
- Panelist at the VI International Arbitration Congress organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (September 2012). Panel: "The role of the Supervising Agency of the Public Procurement and the Arbitration Centers".
- Panelist in the II Forum of Public Procurement: "Latest amendments to the Public Procurement Law and its Regulation" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (September 2012). Panel: "Strengthening the institutional framework of arbitration in Public Procurement".
- Speaker at the Forum of Young Arbitrators organized by the ICDR Young & International and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (August 2012). Topic: "Annulment of Investment Awards".
- Speaker at the International Symposium of Arbitration organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the Universidad del Pacífico (August 2012). Subject: "Application of UNCITRAL Rules on State Arbitration".
- Moderator at the Working Breakfast: "Lessons and trends of Peruvian Cases at ICSID" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (March 2012).
- Speaker at the "VI Conference of International Arbitration" organized by AmCham Ecuador in Quito (March 2012). Topic: "Iura novit curia (arbiter) on international arbitration".
- Participant in the national workshop "Peru: New Generation of Policies on Investment and Prevention of Investor-State Disputes", organized by UNCTAD and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (November 2012).
- Participant in the 10th Annual Miami International Arbitration Conference: The Greatest Hits organized by the ICDR & the IBA (September 2012).
- Participant in the Workshop on International Investment Arbitration organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the Universidad del Pacífico lectured by ICSID officials (August 2012).
2011 - 2010
- Panelist at the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum organized by the ICC YAF and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (December 2011). Topic: "Conflict of interests in Arbitration".
- Lecturer at the "Specialization Program in Commercial Arbitration" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (October - December 2011). Topics: "Consolidation of Arbitral Proceedings" and "Arbitration Rules".
- Lecturer at the "Course on Arbitration" organized by the Asociación Pro Iure (August 2011). Topic: "International Arbitration".
- Speaker at the "IX Keynote Conference on Arbitration" organized by the Ministry of Justice (March 2011). Topic: "Rules of Arbitration and Conduct of the Arbitral Proceedings".
- Participant in the 9th Annual Miami Conference. "International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America: The ICC Perspective" (November 2011).
- Participant in the Latin American Launch Conference for the 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration (November 2011).
- Participant in the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum: "Due Process in International Arbitration: limits and challenges" organized by the ICC YAF in Miami (November 2011).
2010 - 2009
- Lecturer at the "Certified Diploma Course of National and International Arbitration" organized by the Graduate School of the Universidad del Pacífico and AmCham Peru (October - December 2010). Topics: "Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators" and "Annulment of awards".
- Speaker at the "II Seminar: Arbitration and Public Construction" organized by the Circle of Administrative law (November 2010). Topic: “Arbitration and Public Construction Contracts ".
- Speaker at the "Arbitrator Training Course on Public Procurement" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the Supervising Agency of the Public Procurement - OSCE (October 2010). Topics: "Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards" and "Enforcement of ICSID Awards".
- Speaker at the IV International Arbitration Congress organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, the Embassy of France and the Mario Castillo Freyre Law Firm (September 2010). "Workshop I: Judicial Control of International Arbitration".
- Moderator in the "IV Peruvian International Arbitration Congress" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the Peruvian Arbitration Review (April 2010). Panel: "From hostility to acceptability? What is the current status of the attitude of the Latin-American States towards International Arbitration?"
- Speaker at the "New trends on International Arbitration: the Mexican-Peruvian perspective" Conference organized by the Arbitration Center of Mexico (CAM) in Mexico D.F. (February 2010). Topic: Iura novit arbiter.
- Participant in the 8th Colloquium of the Young Arbitration Practitioners (YAP) held in Rio de Janeiro (May 2010).
- Participant in the 20th Biennial Congress of ICCA 2010: "Arbitration Advocacy in Changing Times" held in Rio de Janeiro (May 2010).
- Speaker "The 2009 ICDR International ADR Reporting Program Series: North America, Latin America and Peru" organized by the ICDR, the AAA and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (November 2009). Round table: "Focus on Peru".
- Lecturer for the "Certified Diploma Course on National and International Arbitration" organized by the Graduate School of the Universidad del Pacífico and AmCham Peru (October - December 2009). Topics: "Separability of Arbitration Agreement" and "Globalization of Arbitration".
- Lecturer for the “Specialization Course on Arbitration Law” organized by the Center of Continuing Education of the Universidad de Lima (October 2009). Topic: "Arbitral Proceedings".
- Panelist in the International Seminar: “Globalization and International law” organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (October 2009). Panel: "Investment, Trade and Settlement of Disputes".
- Lecturer for the "National e International Arbitral Practice Course" organized by the Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya (September 2009). Topic: "Recourse against the award".
- Speaker at the "Arbitrators training Course" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (August 2009). Topic: "Arbitral Proceedings".
- Panelist at the "Seminar on Private and Investment Arbitration" organized by the Graduate School of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (August 2009). Panel: "The effectiveness of Arbitration in Latin America".
- Speaker at the "III Peruvian International Arbitration Congress" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the Peruvian Arbitration Review (April 2009). Topic: "Consolidation of Arbitral Proceedings".
- Speaker at the "Arbitration in Peru" Seminar organized by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (January 2009). Topic: "Arbitral Proceeding and Award".
- Participant at the 7th Annual Miami Conference. "International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America: The ICC Perspective" (November 2009).
- Participant in the ICC’s Young Arbitrators Conference: "Confidentiality on International Arbitration: A myth?" organized by the ICC YAF in Miami (November 2009).
- Participant in the "3rd Program for Advance Specialization on International Arbitration: Analysis of the ICSID jurisprudence" organized by the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (August 2009).
- Participant in the "Conference Challenges to the Law and the Company: Settlement of disputes between investors and the Peruvian State in the United States and Chile free trade agreements" organized by the Universidad del Pacífico (April 2009).
- Participant in the 5th Americas Workshop: "Damages in International Arbitration: Strategies, Techniques & Presentation" organized by ITA & CANACO in Mexico D.F. (April 2009).
- Participant in the 2nd Americas Roundtable for Young International Arbitrators organized by ITA & CANACO in Mexico D.F. (April 2009).
2008 - 2007
- Speaker at the "First Arbitration Workshop Course” organized by the Lima Notary Association and MARC Peru (December 2008). Topic: "Interim Measures".
- Speaker at the "Course of Integral Analysis of the new Arbitration Law" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (December 2008). Topic: "International Arbitration".
- Speaker at the International Seminar “Scope and Innovations of the new Arbitration Law” organized by the Universidad de Lima (November 2008). Topic: "The Chamber Appointment of Arbitrators".
- Speaker at the "Certified Diploma Course on Commercial Arbitration" organized by the Cusco Chamber of Commerce (September, 2008). Topic: "International Arbitration".
- Speaker at the "National Congress: the new Arbitration Law" organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (September 2008). Topic: "International Arbitration and foreign awards".
- Speaker at the "International Seminar on the new Arbitration law" organized by the American Chamber of Commerce of Peru (AmCham Peru) with the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) (August 2008). Topic: "New approach of the arbitral proceedings".
- Speaker at the "Dissemination Seminar on Legislative Decrees of the Justice Sector" organized by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (July 2008). Table: "Legislative Decree Nº 1071, new Arbitration Law".
- Speaker at the "Specialized Seminar: Arbitration and Public Construction" organized by the Circle of Administrative Law (June 2008). Topic: "Scope of the Arbitration Clause".
- Participant in the "2nd. Program for Advanced Specialization on International Arbitration: Investment Arbitration" organized by the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (August - September 2008).
- Speaker at the 'International Congress on Arbitration 2007" organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, the Embassy of France and the Mario Castillo Freyre Law Firm (September 2007). Topic: "Judicial standard of the annulment of award".
- Speaker at the "Certified Diploma Course on Arbitration" organized by the American Chamber of Commerce of Peru - AmCham Peru (May 2007). Topic: "Interim Measures".
- Speaker at the "1st International Peruvian Arbitration Congress" organized by the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola and the Peruvian Arbitration Review (April 2007). Topic: "Jurisdictional Control of Arbitration in Latin America".
- Participant in the "Program for Advanced Specialization on International Arbitration" organized by the Universidad de Lima (August - September 2008).
- Participant in the Congress "Modern Law for Global Commerce" in celebration of the UNCITRAL’s 40th annual session held in Vienna (July 2007).
- Participant in the "National Seminar on Investor-State Disputes" organized by UNCTAD, the OAS, the ICSID, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Proinversión (May 2007).
2006 - 2005
- Speaker at the seminar "Defense of the rights and interests of the State and alternative conflict resolution mechanisms" organized by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (June 2006). Topic: "The arbitral proceeding in Public Procurement".
- Speaker on the Arbitrators training course organized by the Piura Chamber of Commerce and Production of and the Peruvian Circle of Arbitration (May - June 2006). Topic: "Arbitral Award".
- Speaker at the Conference "Perspectives of Arbitration in Peru" organized by the Piura Chamber of Commerce and Production (December 2005). Topic: "Commercial Arbitration: International and domestic context".
- Speaker at the "First National Seminar on Arbitration in Public Procurement" organized by CONSUCODE and the Universidad Ricardo Palma (November 2005). Topic: "Structure of arbitral proceeding in Public Procurement: the SNCA Model".
- Panelist at the "First National Seminar on Arbitration in Public Procurement" organized by CONSUCODE and the Universidad Ricardo Palma (November 2005). Panel: "Nullity and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards".
2004 - 2003
- Panelist in the "Arbitration in Peru" Seminar organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce and the lus et Veritas Law Review (November 2004).
- Speaker at the seminar “Practical Arbitration Cases” organized by CONSUCODE (October 2004).
- Speaker at the seminar “Public Procurement Arbitration” organized by CONSUCODE (September 2004).
- Speaker in the Seminar "Arbitration in the Public Procurement Law" organized by CONSUCODE (July and September 2003).
- Speaker at the Specialized Seminar "Arbitration in the Public Procurement Law" organized by the Academy Judges (July 2003). Topics: "Arbitral proceeding" and "Arbitral award".
- Participant in the "Global Arbitration: Safe international business" Conference organized by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (November 2000).